Section: New Results

Application Domains

Publish-Subscribe in Distributed Environments

Participants : Françoise Baude, Fabrice Huet, Laurent Pellegrino, Bastien Sauvan, Iyad Alshabani, Maeva Antoine, Amjad Alshabani.

In the context of the FP7 STREP PLAY and French SocEDA ANR research projects we have developed a middleware dubbed EventCloud (Section  5.5 ). This last aims to store and retrieve Resource Description Framework (RDF) data but also to relay them to interested parties through a publish/subscribe layer that allows the formulation of content-based subscriptions. Content-based subscriptions are automatically deduced from more complex rules deployed onto a Complex Event Processing engine, the aim of these CEP rules being to trigger new (complex) events after detecting interesting situations [24] . The EventCloud architecture relies on a CAN structured P2P overlay network we initially designed and implemented for the former SOA4ALL FP7-IP project [44] .

This year we continued to improve the performances of the EventCloud middleware and its usability as a standalone component but also as a component integrated within the previous projects' platform. Concretely, we proposed a new publish/subscribe matching algorithm for RDF events made of several related RDF triples, that was thoroughly presented in [31] and [22] . To further improve performance, we pursue some efforts to finalize the usage of the newest multi-active object library (cf. Section 6.1.1 ). Also, to handle more efficiently multicast messaging, we replaced our initial and naive solution with the optimal one presented in Section  6.2.1 . Finally, we proposed a solution for managing multiple EventCloud instances on various cloud platforms, especially for the integration of our middleware in the PLAY and SocEDA platforms (whose latest assessment can be found in [32] ). Details about EventCloud management are provided in [29] .

Since RDF resources have the property to be poorly balanced, we are also investigating new algorithms that decrease load imbalance for events and data.

Large-scale Simulation Platform: Techniques and methodologies

Participants : Olivier Dalle, E. Mancini, Damian Vicino.

In the domain of simulation techniques and methodologies, this year, we conducted research in the two following areas:

Distributed Network Simulation

NetStep[16] , is a prototype we developped for the distributed simulation of very large scale network simulations, such as the simulation of peer-to-peer applications. We use simulation micro-steps as a means for optimizing the overlap of communications and computations, without changing the original event-driven model. As a consequence, NetStep allows for the reuse of unmodified existing sequential simulators for building large-scale distributed simulations: the overall simulation is divided both in time and space, into a large number of simulation micro-steps, each of which being executed by a legacy sequential simulator. By choosing the time-step smaller than the minimal look-ahead due to communications, we avoid the need for synchronization between logical processes (LPs) during the simulation. Instead, the simulated communications become inputs and outputs of the simulation micro-steps, and are routed in parallel between LPs by a NetStep dedicated entity. Our prototype is based on the SimGrid sequential simulator.

Discrete Time Representation

The representation of time in simulations is a long standing issue, for which many solutions and formalisms have been proposed. However, once the formalism is chosen, the implementation of the time representation is still a non trivial problem: Integer values have a limited range and require the selection of a minimal fixed step that does not support well the multi-scale models; Floating Points numbers have numerous limitations and hidden effects such as rounding due to quantization; those issues result in inaccuracies or even timing errors. In collaboration with our partner in the DISSIMINET Associated Team, we have started a new research on this topic. This research will be released in the form of a new Discrete Event Simulation engine library for the DEVS formalism, designed to fully exploit the 2011 C++ standard; it is candidate for inclusion in the BoostC++ Libraries.